GoSecure Blog
XSS for ASP.net developers
As a follow-up to the conference given at Confoo a few weeks ago, we are doing a focus article on the same topic. The presentation was giving an overview of the modern XSS attack vectors and filter bypass. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at XSS in the context of .NET applications.
GoSecure proud to support AtlSecCon and NorthSec 2016
At GoSecure we believe that improving the security posture of Canadian companies has to happen through better security awareness and education of IT professionals. This is why that, in addition of running our own conference GoSec in Montreal, we are major sponsors of top community conferences like AtlSecCon (Halifax, NS) and NorthSec (Montreal, QC).
Internet of Threats, an OWASP Montreal Presentation
Our own Olivier Bilodeau will be presenting with Thomas Dupuy of ESET Canada Reseach about malware affecting “Internet of Things” (IoT) devices. A free event hosted by OWASP Montréal in downtown Montreal. The presentation will be in French with the slides in English.