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Acquisition Extends Managed Detection and Response Services Upstream into the Email Inbox

La Jolla, CA – GoSecure, a leading provider of Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services and a Predictive Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) platform, today announced the acquisition of EdgeWave, a leader in Inbox Detection and Response services.  With the EdgeWave acquisition, GoSecure moves its industry leading detection and response capabilities, powered by the CounterTack technology platform,  upstream into the primary entry point of most cybersecurity attacks – the email inbox.

EdgeWave’s next generation email security platform is the only cybersecurity solution to provide comprehensive predelivery protection, postdelivery detection and automated incident response to address emerging email threats like phishing, ransomware, and business email compromise.  According to a report by Accenture and the Ponemon Institute, six in seven companies (more than 85 percent) experienced phishing and social engineering cyberattacks in 2018 — a 16 percent increase over 2017.  The combination of EdgeWave’s email security platform with GoSecure’s managed detection and response solutions provides unparalleled protection for organizations of all shapes and sizes.   GoSecure offers a full range of cybersecurity solutions from advisory services that include cybersecurity threat assessmentssecurity audits and penetration testing to full stack security technologies and managed security services, powered by the CounterTack platform, that address detection and response, insider threats, and forensics analysis that mitigate emerging attack vectors like ransomware and fileless malware.

“The acquisition of EdgeWave is strategic to GoSecure on many fronts,” said Neal Creighton, Chief Executive Officer of GoSecure. “Managed Detection and Response is one of the hottest market opportunities in cybersecurity and EdgeWave will add thousands of customers, experienced cybersecurity professionals and inbox detection and response capabilities that will extend our CounterTack technology platform and expand GoSecure’s scale while accelerating growth.”

Managed detection and response is considered the next generation of managed security services and is one of the most rapidly growing areas of cybersecurity.  According to ESG Research, 82% of cybersecurity professionals agree that improving threat detection and response is a high priority. And with 76% claiming that detection and response is more difficult than it was two years ago, the challenge of not enough people is compounded.  “With so many cybersecurity attacks starting with socially engineered emails and email borne malware,” states Christina Richmond with Enterprise Strategy Group, a strategic analyst and advisory group to IT decision makers, “It is a logical evolution for managed detection and response services to extend from the network to the endpoint and now into the email inbox.”

“EdgeWave was a first mover in Managed Inbox Detection and Response and we are pleased to join forces with GoSecure to become a disruptive force in the emerging managed detection and response market.” Said Steve Kelley, Chief Executive Officer of EdgeWave.  “The powerful combination of our technology, cybersecurity talent and longstanding customer base will help solidify GoSecure’s position as a leader among elite managed detection and response providers in the cybersecurity industry.

GoSecure’s acquisition of EdgeWave will add over 2000 customers and over 100 channel partners, dramatically increasing the reach of the combined entity.  Equally important is the addition of key personnel across sales, marketing, engineering, administration and service delivery.  Additionally, EdgeWave Board member Jeb Spencer, Managing Partner of TVC Capital LLC, will join GoSecure’s board of directors while EdgeWave Chairman Lou Ryan will become a GoSecure advisor and board member.


About EdgeWave, Inc. 
EdgeWave is focused on eliminating email-borne security risks from targeted, socially engineered attacks. Our multi-layered Email Security Platform provides unparalleled predelivery protection, postdelivery detection and incident response to secure inboxes from today’s proliferating messaging threats like ransomware, spear phishing, business email compromise and more. Headquartered in San Diego, CA, EdgeWave has more than 2,000 customers and millions of protected users worldwide.  For more information, please visit EdgeWave online at https://www.edgewave.com or follow us on LinkedInTwitter or Facebook.

About GoSecure
GoSecure is a recognized cybersecurity leader, delivering innovative managed security solutions and expert advisory services. GoSecure Titan® managed security solutions deliver multi-vector protection to counter modern cyber threats through a complete suite of offerings that extend the capabilities of our customers’ in-house teams. GoSecure Titan Managed Detection & Response (MDR) offers a best in class mean-time-to-respond, with comprehensive coverage across customers’ networks, endpoints and inboxes. For over 10 years, GoSecure has been helping customers better understand their security gaps, improve organizational risk and enhance security posture through advisory services provided by one of the most trusted and skilled teams in the industry.

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GoSecure est un leader et un innovateur reconnu en matière de cybersécurité, pionnier de l'intégration de la détection des menaces au niveau des terminaux, du réseau et des courriels en un seul service de détection et réponse gérées et étendues (MXDR). Depuis plus de 20 ans, GoSecure aide ses clients à mieux comprendre leurs failles en matière de sécurité et à améliorer leurs risques organisationnels ainsi que leur maturité en matière de sécurité grâce aux solutions MXDR et aux services professionnels fournis par l'une des équipes les plus fiables et les plus compétentes de l'industrie.





Urgences 24 sur 7 – (888) 287-5858