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CounterTack Extends its Endpoint Threat Platform functionality to now include DLP for more control over sensitive data, reducing risk at the endpoint

Waltham, MA – CounterTack, the exclusive provider of the industry’s one true behavior and memory-based Endpoint Threat Platform (ETP) for the enterprise, today announced the availability of its data loss prevention (DLP) technology. DLP is an extension of CounterTack’s next-generation endpoint detection and response (EDR) capabilities providing more advanced detection and risk mitigation, to operationally reduce risk and minimize data loss.

“Enterprise customers are demanding added capability as the market shifts toward consolidated technology and less agent fatigue,” said Neal Creighton, CEO CounterTack. “The integration of DLP into our ETP platform is a natural expansion of our offerings, given our rapidly expanding footprint on the endpoint worldwide. With more visibility, more context and more control over sensitive data, CounterTack continues to demonstrate its commitment to innovation, to deliver a fully-integrated and intelligent endpoint security platform.”

What makes CounterTack’s DLP capability within the ETP platform unique is the ability to extend contextual EDR capabilities to identify sensitive data paths, and to actively inspect content whether at-rest or in motion. The extension from EDR to DLP under one sensor and within the same workflow covers critical use cases for organizations, including protection against risks presented by the insider threat, and data exfiltration.

The new DLP module within CounterTack’s ETP platform leverages robust detection capability around highly-sophisticated threats, and extends into real-time, automatic response, giving customers a dynamic preventative control around sensitive data. DLP technology is widely seen as a key technology factoring into the forthcoming GDPR data protection initiative this year, and is not limited to just organizations in the EU, but worldwide.

According to Gartner, “By 2020, 85 percent of organizations will implement at least one form of integrated DLP, up from 50 percent today.” (Gartner, Inc., Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Data Loss Prevention, Brian Reed, Deborah Kish, February 16, 2017.)

“The active, contextual inspection of sensitive content and the ability to reduce the risk of data loss helps security teams extend more protection across increasingly volatile endpoint environments,” said Doug Cahill, Sr. Analyst, ESG Global. “CounterTack’s extension from EDR into DLP for customers is a natural progression within their platform-based approach to endpoint security, and is another proof point that agent consolidation is taking hold. Behavioral analysis at the core gives CounterTack’s approach a new twist in identifying sensitive data and minimizing data loss beyond threat detection.”

As a global market leader in endpoint security and EDR, CounterTack delivers one endpoint threat platform to enterprise customers that integrates a dynamic portfolio of products including ThreatScan PRO and Responder PRO. With the added layer of DLP capabilities, CounterTack’s suite of endpoint detection, analysis and response capabilities is more robust than ever before.

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GoSecure is a recognized cybersecurity leader, delivering innovative managed security solutions and expert advisory services. GoSecure Titan® managed security solutions deliver multi-vector protection to counter modern cyber threats through a complete suite of offerings that extend the capabilities of our customers’ in-house teams. GoSecure Titan Managed Detection & Response (MDR) offers a best in class mean-time-to-respond, with comprehensive coverage across customers’ networks, endpoints and inboxes. For over 10 years, GoSecure has been helping customers better understand their security gaps, improve organizational risk and enhance security posture through advisory services provided by one of the most trusted and skilled teams in the industry.

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