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Acquisition Combines Leading Predictive Endpoint Protection Platform with World Class Managed Detection and Response (MDR) Services securing additional competitive advantages over CrowdStrike and Carbon Black

Waltham, MA – CounterTack, the leading provider of Predictive Endpoint Security for the enterprises, today announced the acquisition of GoSecure, Inc., a cybersecurity Managed Detection and Response Provider. CounterTack has established itself as the only true behavior-based predictive endpoint solution with in-memory analysis, multi-tenancy, and scalability that can manage hundreds of thousands of endpoints in a single deployment. As a market leader in Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and Next Gen Antivirus (NGAV), CounterTack’s acquisition expands its previous partnership with GoSecure to scale a best-in- class MDR Platform as a Service for the company’s domestic and international customers. The transaction will enhance CounterTack’s solutions for enterprises of all sizes, whether deployed on-premise, hosted, or managed in the cloud.

With this acquisition, CounterTack takes MDR Platform to the next level and will continue its explosive growth with revenues surpassing $70 million next year. CounterTack’s Platform as a Service will empower its customers in North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific, including small and mid- sized corporations, the Fortune 50, and national security organizations to stay on top of today’s advanced forms of cyberattacks like ransomware, memory-only malware, scripted attacks executing in plain sight and insider threats. CounterTack delivers highly scalable, predictive endpoint security products to its customers together with multi-vector threat hunting and industry-leading cyber security mitigation services to protect customers with unmatched speed and effectiveness.

« CounterTack has been methodical in building technology, acquiring IP, servicing customers and controlling expenses in lock step with market demand with far less capital expended than our main competitors, » stated Neal Creighton, CEO of CounterTack. « With GoSecure, we immediately expand our service offerings, add the industry’s best security experts and thought leaders that, together with CounterTack’s products, offer automated, scalable MDR. GoSecure has been a CounterTack partner for years and is fully integrated on our platform to power their services so the combination is a natural progression of our relationship. »

« GoSecure has fully integrated CounterTack’s platform into our active mitigation services to create differentiated offerings, » stated Pascal Fortin, President and Chairman of the Board for GoSecure, Inc. « CounterTack’s strong platform and GoSecure’s depth of real-world security experience will allow us to bring an unrivaled class of services to address client’s most demanding security requirements. We look forward to joining the CounterTack team and providing unprecedented protection – from rapid identification to active mitigation with aggressive SLAs to organizations of all sizes across the globe. »

« Security teams are looking for security service providers that can help them prevent, detect, and respond to the flood of advanced threats targeting the enterprise, » says Aaron Sherrill, Senior Analyst at 451 Research. « With its acquisition of MSSP GoSecure, CounterTack is paving the way for the next generation of managed security service provider and endpoint security delivery. »

With robust threat hunting and active mitigation services that directly touch the endpoints with SLAs measured in seconds and minutes, enterprises with hundreds of thousands of endpoints down to those with a few hundred can now can secure their infrastructure with a single vendor solution from CounterTack.

About GoSecure
GoSecure is a recognized cybersecurity leader, delivering innovative managed security solutions and expert advisory services. GoSecure Titan® managed security solutions deliver multi-vector protection to counter modern cyber threats through a complete suite of offerings that extend the capabilities of our customers’ in-house teams. GoSecure Titan Managed Detection & Response (MDR) offers a best in class mean-time-to-respond, with comprehensive coverage across customers’ networks, endpoints and inboxes. For over 10 years, GoSecure has been helping customers better understand their security gaps, improve organizational risk and enhance security posture through advisory services provided by one of the most trusted and skilled teams in the industry.

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Détection et réponse gérées et étendues GoSecure TitanMC (MXDR)

Détection et réponse gérées et étendues GoSecure TitanMC (MXDR) Fondation

Gestion des vulnérabilités en tant que service GoSecure TitanMC (VMaaS)

Surveillance des événements liés aux informations de sécurité gérée GoSecure TitanMC (SIEM gérée)

Défense du périmètre gérée GoSecure TitanMC (pare-feu)

Détection et réponse des boîtes de messagerie GoSecure TitanMC (IDR)

Passerelle de messagerie sécurisée GoSecure TitanMC (SEG)

Modélisateur de menaces GoSecure TitanMC

Identity GoSecure TitanMC

Plateforme GoSecure TitanMC

Services de sécurité professionnels de GoSecure

Services de réponse aux incidents

Évaluation de la maturité de la sécurité

Services de confidentialité

Services PCI DSS

Services de piratage éthique

Opérations de sécurité


GoSecure MXDR pour Microsoft

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Mesures de sécurité basées sur les risques

Sociétés de financement par capitaux propres

Prendre des décisions éclairées

Sécurité des données sensibles

Protéger les informations sensibles

Conformité en matière de cybersécurité

Respecter les obligations réglementaires


Une stratégie précieuse de gestion des risques


Combattre les rançongiciels grâce à une sécurité innovante

Attaques de type « zero-day »

Arrêter les exploits de type « zero-day » grâce à une protection avancée

Consolider, évoluer et prospérer

Prenez de l'avance et gagnez la course avec la Plateforme GoSecure TitanMC.

24/7 MXDR

Détection et réponse sur les terminaux GoSecure TitanMC (EDR)

Antivirus de nouvelle génération GoSecure TitanMC (NGAV)

Surveillance des événements liés aux informations de sécurité GoSecure TitanMC (SIEM)

Détection et réponse des boîtes de messagerie GoSecure TitanMC (IDR)

Intelligence GoSecure TitanMC

Notre SOC

Défense proactive, 24h/24, 7j/7

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GoSecure est un leader et un innovateur reconnu en matière de cybersécurité, pionnier de l'intégration de la détection des menaces au niveau des terminaux, du réseau et des courriels en un seul service de détection et réponse gérées et étendues (MXDR). Depuis plus de 20 ans, GoSecure aide ses clients à mieux comprendre leurs failles en matière de sécurité et à améliorer leurs risques organisationnels ainsi que leur maturité en matière de sécurité grâce aux solutions MXDR et aux services professionnels fournis par l'une des équipes les plus fiables et les plus compétentes de l'industrie.





Urgences 24 sur 7 – (888) 287-5858