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A recent FBI advisoryFishing hook unveils a chilling narrative: North Korean state actors, exploited weak DMARC security policies to mask their spearphishing campaigns. Such revelations underscore the critical need for robust defense mechanisms.

GoSecure Titan® Email Security, which bundles GoSecure Titan® Secure Email Gateway (SEG) and GoSecure Titan® Incident Detection and Response (IDR) is not merely a tool; it’s a bastion of digital safety, meticulously designed to counteract these tactics. As the machinations of these actors unfold, our solutions stand ready, turning potential vulnerabilities into fortified defenses.

Discover the ultimate in email security with GoSecure Titan® SEG and IDR. Designed to counteract attacks highlighted by the FBI, our services leverage advanced threat detection algorithms and innovative, specifically trained AI to meticulously examine incoming emails for any signs of tampering, suspicion, or malicious intent.

GoSecure Titan® SEG enhances DMARC policies, ensuring only authenticated and verified emails reach your users, effectively halting spearphishing attacks that exploit weak DMARC protocols. This robust protection fortifies your organization against deceptive tactics that impersonate trusted entities.

Both GoSecure Titan® SEG and IDR combine sophisticated automated detection with unparalleled human analysis, providing a level of security unmatched in the industry. Safeguard your communications with GoSecure Titan® SEG and IDR and stay one step ahead of cyber threats.

GoSecure Titan® IDR human analysts take the approach of psychoanalyzing submitted emails. The following is a sample provided by the FBI in their security advisory.

Sample 1:

GoSecure Titan® IDR analysts are experts in detecting malicious intent in spearphishing attempts. Let’s see what an IDR analyst would have found in this 1st sample:

  1. Contextual Inconsistencies: “I hope you and your family are enjoying a lovely holiday and a restful season”. This 1st line is common practice in malicious attempts, it is an attempt to garner a feeling of calm and peace and that the person saying it is trustworthy and authentic but, in this setting, it is out of context. We might see this type of sentiment from someone already familiar with the recipient, a friend or known business acquaintance and not from an out of the blue never heard from before sender.
  2. Grammatical Errors: There are numerous grammatical errors not indicative of a professionally written email.
  3. Monetary Offers: An offer to pay and provide a fee is common in malicious emails. The amount of $500 is very common across many malicious attempts that have been analyzed by GoSecure Titan® IDR.
  4. Prompt for Action: The last malicious element seen in the body of this email is the prompt to reply for more information. Threat actors will make every attempt to get a reply by using the lure of money and secret details not yet divulged.

The headers elements of this example were as follows:

  1. Suspicious Headers: The quickest way to see the fraudulent attempt is simply by looking at the Reply-To address, but other header elements such as the dkim and spf showing a legitimate university email account and domain BUT the email was not from a legitimate university would have raised red flags and led to IDR marking this email as Phishing. There is also the information that this email went through bluehost and not a legitimate university email host or legitimate think tank host.

In example #1 provided by the FBI we can easily see the numerous elements in the email which would have led to a determination of a phishing attempt by IDR analysts and thus protecting your company from further exploitation.

Sample 2:

  1. As we saw in example 1, example 2 is full of grammatical errors, and this email supposedly being from a journalist is a huge red flag. “I hope this email finds you well” is a bit out of context as well, threat actors often use a welcoming warm greeting such as this to try and display familiarity and caring about the content of the email itself. We also see the prompt to reply to get more information from the threat actor.
  2. We also see a common threat actor trick at the end. The threat actor doesn’t want you replying to the legitimate news media outlet, they want you to reply to their own or compromised email account and in this case the threat actor makes up an excuse as to why they want you to reply to their personal email.

GoSecure Titan® Email Security could have saved these companies the embarrassment and resulting attack which allowed North Korean state actors access to sensitive data.


To mitigate the risk of falling victim to such attacks, organizations are advised to:

  • Strengthen DMARC policies to enforce email authentication and prevent spoofing.
  • Educate employees about the signs of phishing and social engineering tactics to enhance awareness and vigilance.
  • Regularly update and patch email security systems to ensure they are equipped to handle emerging threats effectively.
  • Get GoSecure Titan® Email Security to protect your assets. GoSecure Titan® SEG and IDR work together to seamlessly integrate detection and response capabilities, providing a unified defense against sophisticated email threats.

Unlock Next-Level Email Security with Our Specialized Resources 

Learn more about the specific capabilities of GoSecure Titan® Email Security by accessing our comprehensive resources designed to bolster your defenses against sophisticated cyber threats. 

Explore the SEG Phishing Use Case Datasheet: Gain insights into how GoSecure Titan® SEG can be your frontline defense against phishing attempts. This detailed datasheet offers an in-depth look at real-world applications and the effectiveness of SEG in preventing spearphishing. Read the datasheet here.

Watch the IDR Explainer Video: Understand the intricate workings of GoSecure Titan® Inbox Detection and Response (IDR) through our explainer video. Learn how our combined approach of advanced algorithms and expert human analysis can detect and respond to subtle signs of malicious email activities, protecting your organization from sophisticated email threats. Watch the video here.

GoSecure Titan® SEG and IDR provide you with a shield of unparalleled security. Equip your organization with the tools to not just react, but proactively counter emerging cyber threats. 

Need more information? Our team is ready to help you elevate your cybersecurity strategy. Contact Us today to learn more about our solutions and how they can protect your critical assets from complex cyber threats. 

Contact us here and Stay Secure with GoSecure

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Urgences 24 sur 7 – (888) 287-5858